Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getting out of the rough

Getting Out Of The Rough

During the 1972 British Open at Muirfield, Scotland, Tony Jacklin and Lee Trevino attacked the 9th hole from the tee. Jacklin went for the carry over the left-hand fairway bunker, while Trevino played more conservatively down the right side. Both finished in the rough, but within iron distance of the green. Two amazing shots followed, both landing about 20 yards (18 m) short of but running onto the green. Both players then holed their putts for eagles.

Hitting into the rou...



During the 1972 British Open at Muirfield, Scotland, Tony Jacklin and Lee Trevino attacked the 9th hole from the tee. Jacklin went for the carry over the left-hand fairway bunker, while Trevino played more conservatively down the right side. Both finished in the rough, but within iron distance of the green. Two amazing shots followed, both landing about 20 yards (18 m) short of but running onto the green. Both players then holed their putts for eagles.

Hitting into the rough is the most common problem a golfer faces. Even golfing legends like Trevino and Jacklin find themselves in the rough more often than theyd like. But by making a few adjustments you can get yourself out of trouble and back onto the fairway without costing yourself strokes.

When a recreational golfer finds himself in the rough, he often lets the situation intimidate him. Instead of assessing the lie, like many golf instruction manuals suggest, he grabs a club and sl


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Getting into the holiday spirit

Getting Into The Holiday Spirit

What comes to mind when you think about the holidays?

Do you groan, feeling burdened by all you have to do? Do you dread going shopping for gifts or cleaning up after a Christmas or Chanukah celebration?

Or, do you feel a sense of fun, of delight, of joy in the celebrating, giving and receiving?

Which part of you is in charge of the holidays your judgmental self or your loving self?

Think for a moment about the little child in you the child that loved the holi...

Christmas, Chanukah, holidays, love, gratitude, joy, inner peace, self-help, personal development, stress, motivation, inner child

What comes to mind when you think about the holidays?

Do you groan, feeling burdened by all you have to do? Do you dread going shopping for gifts or cleaning up after a Christmas or Chanukah celebration?

Or, do you feel a sense of fun, of delight, of joy in the celebrating, giving and receiving?

Which part of you is in charge of the holidays your judgmental self or your loving self?

Think for a moment about the little child in you the child that loved the holidays. What delighted you about Christmas or Chanukah? Most kids are really excited about receiving gifts, but many children also feel equally excited about giving gifts. Did you enjoy decorating your house?

Or, were the holidays a sad time, a time of heartbreak due to not having enough money? Or a time of loneliness due to the loss of a loved one? Were they a time of stress in your family? Was there abuse around the holiday time?

Whatever the situation of the past, you have an opportunity now, as an adult, to give your own inner child the Christmas or Chanukah he or she wants and deserves. You have an opportunity to move into gratitude for what you have rather than anxiety for all you have to do. Instead of choosing to dread or resist the holiday spirit, why not open to it, embrace it, feel the grace of it?

Let the child in you do the shopping for gifts. Let the child in you receive the delight of picking out just the right gift for a friend or loved one. Or let the child in you find some way to give, some way to share your love. Even if you are alone or poor, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, find a way to give your caring to someone who has less than you.

The holiday spirit is about gratitude and giving. Take the opportunity to notice how fulfilling it is to joyously give rather than to resist or be angry about the work involved.
Take this opportunity to discover how full your heart feels when you choose to feel grateful rather than grumpy.

Feelings come from thoughts. If you choose to think, Oh no, the holidays are here already. There is just too much work to do, you may feel anxious and overwhelmed. If you choose to think, What a drag to have to go out and buy presents, you may feel resentful. If you choose to think, Another holiday season and I am still alone, you may feel depressed. If you choose to think, This is just a commercial holiday so business can make money, you may feel angry.

However, if you choose to think, How can I make this fun? you may feel excited. If you choose to think, How can I give to others this holiday? you may feel open hearted. If you choose to think, I get to buy things for the people I love, you may feel grateful.

So who do you want to be this holiday season? You can choose to be a Grinch, close-hearted and angry about Christmas. You can choose to be tense, anxious, judgmental, depressed, fearful, withdrawn, or resistant.

Or you can choose to be happy, peaceful, excited, grateful, loving, open hearted, and joyous. It is all up to you. How you feel is the result of how you choose to think about the holidays.

Why not try an experiment this holiday? Refuse to allow negative thoughts. Instead, make a list of positive thoughts and as soon as a negative thought comes up, imagine changing channels on a TV, switching to the positive channel. Then notice how you feel!


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Getting pregnant after stopping birth control

Getting Pregnant After Stopping Birth Control

Most forms of birth control and their effects are temporary and reversible. This article provides information on how the common forms of contraceptive like barrier methods, spermicides, pills, and birth control shots work. It also discusses how soon a woman can get pregnant after stopping birth control.

stopping birth control

Effective methods of birth control may be the best thing to happen to women in history aside from getting the rights to vote and being elected to public office. Birth control provided women with the power of choice when it comes to having a baby. Although initial reactions to birth control included worries about not being able to get pregnant later on, studies show that contraceptives do not impact fertility negatively. Depending on the contraception method used, women can conceive anywhere from a day to year after stopping birth control.

Barrier methods

Using barrier methods like condoms, sponges, diaphragms, and cervical caps, among others does not affect a woman's ability to conceive. These methods only prevent sperm cells from reaching the egg and fertilizing it. Barrier methods do not alter or affect a woman's hormonal cycle and ovulation process. Provided that a woman has a normal ovulation and fertility cycle and that she relies solely on barrier methods for birth control, there is no reason she could not get pregnant after having sexual intercourse without using barrier methods. If a woman cannot get pregnant after stopping the use of barrier methods, she and her partner must submit themselves to a proper medical checkup to assess their sexual and reproductive health.

Spermicide gels and creams

The use of spermicides in cream and gel forms does not affect a woman's ability to conceive. Usually used with a barrier method or applied directly to the genitalia as a form of lubricant, these gels and creams prevent sperm cells from fertilizing the egg by killing them at the moment of ejaculation. Similar to stopping the use of barrier methods, there is no lag time when it comes to being able to get pregnant.

Birth control pills

Using pills or BCP as a form of birth control is a popular choice among women for its convenience and reliability. However, stopping BCP to get pregnant can be a little tricky if done incorrectly. It is generally advised that women should finish their current pill pack before stopping instead of discontinuing the intake abruptly. Since it takes months to get pill-contained hormones out the body's system and for a woman's cycle to normalize without them, it usually takes an average of eight months to a year after stopping pill intake for a woman to get pregnant.

Birth control shots

Getting pregnant after stopping an injectable form of birth control like Depo-Provera may take longer when compared to barrier methods and birth control pills. Since the effect of a shot lasts for three months, a woman hasn't really stopped the birth control until after the third month of her last shot. Even then, getting pregnant can be difficult and may take anywhere from ten to 18 months after taking the last shot.

Most forms of birth control, especially those listed above, are designed to be temporary and reversible. As such, there is no risk of infertility in using the said birth control methods. However, disability to conceive over time after stopping these birth control methods should be brought to medical attention.


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Getting out of credit card debt fast

Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt Fast

If you're working at getting out of credit card debt, it can feel like you're putting in a lot of effort but not getting anywhere. However, every effort you make counts, and every dollar you put toward your debt is a small step in the right direction.

There are also some things you can do to make the process of getting out of credit card debt go faster. If you're in over your head and your best efforts don't seem to be enough, try one of the strategies below to make your debt load a little lighter.

Debt Settlement

One way to reduce your credit card debt quickly is to negotiate a debt settlement. Debt settlements are generally reserved for people who cannot make their monthly payments and don't have assets to draw from. It's a drastic measure, but one that is sometimes necessary for getting out of credit card debt quickly.

Negotiating a debt settlement can mean that you approach your credit card company, explain your situation and ask them if they're willing to work out a plan with reduced repayments or even a reduced balance for you. Sometimes, it's as easy as that. You ask for a settlement and they lower the amount you owe them. Other times, they will refuse your request.

If you're working toward getting out of debt and your credit card company refuses your initial request for debt settlement, a non-profit debt counseling service may be able to help. Because they are non-profit, they won't exploit your situation, and they have experience working with difficult credit card companies.

Note that there are downsides to a debt settlement. For one thing, any amount of money that the credit card company takes off your bill will be credited to you as income for the year. This means that you will owe taxes on that amount. While this can still be better than the debt you faced before, make sure that debt settlement is right for you before you pursue it.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is another option for making the process of getting out of credit card debt go faster. It is a good choice for people who can make their minimum monthly payments but aren't making much headway towards paying off their debt or who would benefit a lot from having a lower interest rate or a lower monthly payment on what they owe.

While debt consolidation doesn't wipe out debt, it does cover all of your debt with one loan, which you then pay off at a lower interest rate and, therefore, a lower monthly payment than if you pay off each account individually. Thus, it makes getting out of credit card debt go faster, because you can put any extra money toward the balance of your debt and not toward monthly payments that you can barely make.

Whether you choose debt settlement, debt consolidation, or another path all together, remember that getting out of credit card debt is possible and that there are ways to make it go faster than you might expect. Your dedication to lowering your debt will eventually pay off and you will be able to live debt free.


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Getting into your desired job position

Getting Into Your Desired Job Position

How to get the Employer good impression upon Job Application

Australian Job Search, job listing Australia

When we look for a job, we wanted to be working in the field we specialize or plainly have an interest with so we can utilize our knowledge and talent. Some of us successfully got what they want while others looked for different fieldwork due to different circumstances.

In these days, it is hard to look for a job. Employers look for an edge that makes you different from the rest. Moreover, the edge that employers look for is experience. When applying for a job that you desire you must at least have the experience or have knowledge on the position you are applying. However, when an employer sees that you have the potential, they will provide a free training for the position we applied.

How employers knew who would fit for the position? The answer really depends on us applicants performance during the application. When we pass our resume either online or walk-in, the employer must get a good impression from the resume that we submitted. W


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